Wednesday 28 August 2024


Paneer, also known as ponir, is a fresh acid-set cheese common in cuisine of the Indian subcontinent made from full-fat buffalo milk or cow milk. It is a non-aged, non-melting soft cheese made by curdling milk with a fruit- or vegetable-derived acid, such as lemon juice.
The word paneer entered English from the Hindi-Urdu term panīr, which comes from Persian panir 'cheese', which comes from Old Iranian. Armenian panir Azeri pəndir, Bengali ponir, Turkish peynir and Turkmen peýnir, all derived from Persian panir, also refer to cheese of any type.
The origin of paneer is debated. Ancient Indian, Afghan-Iranian and Portuguese origins have been proposed for paneer. One theory is that like the word itself, paneer originated in Persianate lands and spread to the Indian subcontinent under Muslim rule. Paneer, according to this theory, was developed and moulded to suit local tastes under these rulers, and the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire are when paneer as currently known developed. Another theory states that paneer is Afghan in origin and spread to India from the lands that make up Afghanistan
According to others, paneer is indigenous to the north-western part of South Asia and was introduced in India by Afghan and Iranian travellers.
Yet another theory is that the Portuguese may have introduced the technique of "breaking" milk with acid to Bengal in the 17th century.
It is usually fried in apan like halloumi.

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Mimolette is a cheese traditionally produced around the city of Lille, France. In France it is also known as Boule de Lille after its city of origin or vieux Hollande because it was originally inspired by the Dutch Edam cheese.
Mimolette has a spherical shape and is similar in appearance to a cantaloupe melon. It normally weighs about 2 kg (app 4.5 pounds) and is made from cow's milk. Its name comes from the French word mi-mou (feminine mi-molle), meaning "semi-soft", which refers to the oily texture of this otherwise hard cheese. The bright orange color of the cheese comes from the natural seasoning, annatto. When used in small amounts, primarily as a food colourant, annatto adds no discernible flavour or aroma. The grey-coloured rind of aged Mimolette is caused by cheese mites that are added to the surface of the cheese. They serve to enhance its flavour.
Mimolette can be consumed at different stages of aging. When younger, its taste resembles that of Parmesan. Many appreciate it most when it is "extra-old" (extra-vieille). At that point, it can become rather hard to chew, and the flesh takes on a hazelnut-like flavour.
It was originally made by the request of Louis XIV, who – in the context of Jean-Baptiste Colbert's mercantilistic policies – was looking for a native French product to replace the then very popular Edam. To make it distinct from Edam, it was first coloured using carrot juice and later seasoned with annatto to give it a distinct orange colour.
The cheese was known to be a favourite of French President Charles de Gaulle.
In 2013, the Food and Drug Administration in the USA detained about a ton of the cheese, putting further imports to the USA on hold. This was because the cheese mites could cause an allergic reaction if consumed in large quantities. The FDA stated that the cheese was above the standard of six mites per cubic inch. The restriction was lifted in 2014.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Mont des Cats

Mont des Cats was originally produced by Trappist monks. They started producing Mont des Cats cheeses in 1890. The cheese is produced using cows milk from local sources and has a fat content of 50%. While maturing for at least two months the cheese is washed with salted water containing a dye called roucou, made from annatto seeds, which gives the rind its characteristic orange colour. The texture of the cheese is smooth and supple, with occasional tiny holes. The flavour is mild with subtle hints of milk and hay.

Wednesday 14 August 2024


Maasdam and Leerdammer are very similar. Maasdam is an Emmental-style Dutch cheeses made from cow's milk. Maasdam is aged for at least four weeks. It ripens faster than other cheeses made in the Netherlands. It has internal voids, holes or eyes that appear during the ripening process and a smooth, yellow rind. Sometimes, it is waxed like Gouda. The cheeses were created to compete with Swiss Emmentaler cheeses by being less expensive and quicker to produce. In the process of making a cheese with the same general components as Swiss cheeses, the Dutch ended up with a cheese that is nutty and sweet but softer than Emmental, due to a higher moisture content. Leerdammer was introduced in 1984 by the Baars company. Leerdammer is now made by other Dutch companies under the name Maasdam or Maasdammer. That name was selected to honour the village of Maasdam in the province of South Holland.

Thursday 1 August 2024


Ossau-Iraty (or Esquirrou) is produced in south-western France, in the Northern Basque country and in Béarn. Its name reflects its geographical location, the Ossau Valley in Béarn and the Irati Forest in the Basque Country.
It has been recognised as an appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) product since 1980. It is one of three sheep's milk cheeses granted AOC status in France (the others are Roquefort and Brocciu). It is of ancient origin, traditionally made by the shepherds in the region.
Production techniques are very much old world methods whereby the sheep still graze mountain pastures and provide the milk, which must be from the breeds Basco-Béarnaise, Red-face Manech or Black-face Manech. This is an uncooked cheese made through pressing. When offered as a farm-produced cheese (known as fromage fermier, fromage de ferme or produit fermier), the AOC regulations stipulate that only raw, unpasteurised milk be used.
Historically, production has been:3,067 tonnes (2003) 60 producers (2003) 8 manufacturers: private industries and cooperatives (1998) 2,045 milk producers (1998)
According to the official description, the cheese crust is yellow-orange to grey and the body color ranges from white to cream depending on how it has been matured. It is smooth, creamy and firm and may have some small "eyes".